Our Goal
To provide equal employment opportunity, based on merit, to all persons in Federal employment or seeking employment, to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national, origin, sex, age (40 and above), physical or mental handicap, and to promote the full realization of equal employment through a positive, aggressive, and continuing program.
Our Commitment
The command at Watervliet Arsenal takes EEO seriously and is committed to ensuring that our workforce is one where everyone is treated with dignity and respect - so much so that it is part of our vision for future success.
Throughout the year, the EEO office and Special Emphasis Program host events that are focused on recognizing the continuous achievements of all Americans to American culture and to increase awareness, mutual respect, and understanding.
The WVA EEO Manager position is currently vacant - while the position is being filled, please contact one of the following POC's for EEO, RA and other resources:
Danielle Ward (Complaints Counselor)
(586) 282-5554
Naomi Gotlib-Shmueli (Reasonable Accommodations)
(586) 282-2683